Our in-house Gym is currently under development. This is where fitness instructor, Rocky leads programmes on fitness and nutritional health.
The high spec gym equipment includes treadmills and exercise bikes, weight training machines and free weights.
Our classroom which is based on the second floor of our building, runs PSHE by our lived experience speaker and Crime Awareness Lead Tyrone. We have a various subjects that we cover throughout all of our AP sessions and use PSHE as a tool to teach young people on real life consequences.
On the top floor of Rutland Hall, is the Salon training room. Individual work stations equipped with essential products and tools, This professional beauty studio is where young learners can train and experience an introduction into the world of working in a salon.
Our on-site recording studio is the creative hub of the centre. Studio sessions encourage creativity through music, development of recording and production skills and one to one music tuition.
Top of the range recording equipment allows aspiring musicians to write, record and produce within a comfortable and professional setting.
Monday - Friday:
9:00am - 3:00pm
© 2024 All Rights Reserved | IN2CHANGE | Charity number: 1137582 | Registration number: 7223652